اللغة بين الإنسان والحيوان The Language Between Human and Animal
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There is no doubt that language is one of the greatest blessings
bestowed upon humans. It is also the foundation of human vitality, actions, and every
kind of aspects of life. Language serves as a means of communication between
humans and maybe also between animals. However, it is impossible for us to fully
comprehend the language of animals, because the nature of humans is different
from nature of animals. Language shapes society and forms a different nation, separate
from others. When a nation possesses its own unique language, that language
becomes an integral part of its identity. As we know, societies have existed since
ancient times, and language has been the primary tool for communication among
humans. That’s why, we must delve into the origin of language and ask ourselves the
following questions: “Did language come directly from God as it is, or was it sent down
as a framework and then developed by humans? Or is language a human invention
or creation? What is the significance of language in our lives? What is language,
and what is its origin? What theories have linguists developed to explain the concept
of language to humans? Is it possible to say that animals use a language among
themselves, or do they merely rely on sounds and signals for communication?” This
study aims to clarify certain points and provide answers to these questions as much
as possible. However, I do not claim to fully answer all these questions. Rather, I
hope that this study will play a crucial role in addressing the remaining ambiguities in
the future by other researchers.
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