The indefinite noun

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The subject and the predicate are considered one of the most important topics in Arabic grammar, as it is considered one of the three types of Arabic sentences, which are the verbal sentence consisting of the verb and the subject, the nominal sentence consisting of the subject and the predicate, and the semi-sentence consisting of the preposition , the predicate, or the adverb.

Therefore, studying the subject and the predicate in all its aspects is an urgent necessity for students of Arabic grammar, and in this article we touch on part of this topic, which is the subject in the event that it is an indefinite noun and not a definite noun, as it should be in most cases, and the reasons for which it should be indefinite.

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How to Cite
dalye. (2024). The indefinite noun. Lisanî İlimler Dergisi, 2(1), 43–52. Retrieved from