A Corpus-Based Comparison of 9th-10th Grade Arabic Textbooks And 11th-12th Grade Vocational Arabic Textbooks in Imam-Hatip High Schools
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The aim of this study, which examines the Arabic curricula of Imam Hatip high schools, is to make a corpus-based comparison of 9th-10th grade Arabic textbooks and 11th-12th grade Vocational Arabic textbooks in terms of noun, verb and adjective word types. Corpus studies are used in many fields, especially in the field of language teaching, by examining the most frequently repeated words or word groups through written or oral databases on the internet. In this study, the corpus of Imam Hatip high schools 9th-10th grade Arabic textbooks and 11th-12th grade Vocational Arabic textbooks in noun, verb and adjective word types were extracted. As a result of the analysis, it is seen that the 9th-10th grade books and 11th-12th grade books are incompatible with the principles of the spiral approach adopted in the secondary education program. In the first two years, the Arabic language course is seen and designed as a foreign language course, while in the last two years it is seen as a religion course/vocational course. Accordingly, it is seen that the determined outcomes are not realized. For example, it is thought that it is far from reaching the B1 language level, which is set as a target in the program, since there is a disconnect in the language with the Arabic course given in the first two years and the Vocational Arabic course given in the last two years. In addition to the 11th-12th grade curriculum, it is suggested that a course in Arabic as a foreign language should be added to the 9th-10th grade curriculum in addition to the Vocational Arabic course.
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