Mustafa Mahmud’un “Üç (Es̠-S̠ elas̠e)” Adlı Hikâyesinin Tahlili

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Betül Beyza Gümüş



Egyptian philosopher, physician and writer, full name Mustafa Kamal Mahmoud Hussein Al Mahfouz He lived between 1921 and 2009. Although Mustafa Mahmoud excelled in school, he stopped studying during a period of anger, but later returned to it. He studied medicine, specializing in pulmonology in 1953. In 1960, however, he devoted himself to writing and research. In his writing career, Mustafa Mahmoud wrote fairy tales, plays and travelogues, as well as scientific, religious, philosophical, social and political books. In total, he has 89 works. This study analyzes the story "Three (Es̠-S̠elas̠e)" in Mustafa Mahmud's book Al-leżı̄ne Ḍaḥikū Ḥattā Al-Bukāʾ. The story depicts a tragedy centered on the complex relationships between Matilda, her husband and her lover. Matilda's husband is portrayed as a rich, kind and generous character, while her lover exhibits an authoritarian and restrictive personality. Matilda makes a demand from her lover, but what happens at the end of the story contradicts Matilda's expectations. This study includes the plot of the story, summary of the story, biography of the author, protagonists, narrative techniques, language features, evaluation and translation from the Arabic original. Keywords: Arabic Literature, Egyptian Literature, Short Story Review, Mustafa Mahmoud, Laughing Until You Cry, Three.

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How to Cite
Gümüş, B. B. (2024). Mustafa Mahmud’un “Üç (Es̠-S̠ elas̠e)” Adlı Hikâyesinin Tahlili. Lisanî İlimler Dergisi, 2(1), 97–116. Retrieved from