A Modern Egyptian Story Analyzing: Ihsan ʿAbdu’l-Ḳuddûs Example of Short Story Titled “el-Ḥaīr Beyne’l-Ḥelal ve ’l-Ḥaram”
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The first story in modern Arabic literature, Muhammed Teymur’s Fi’l-Kitar, is considered a pioneer. However, this type of work was written before this story. The writing of these works started with the communication of the Arab world with the West, especially after Napoleon’s Egypt expedition in 1798. for the first time, storytelling entered modern Arabic literature in the last quarter of the nineteenth century through translations from European literatures. With the influence of the romantic stories of Halil Gibran and Mihail Nuayma, especially after 1930, storytelling gained a great momentum, especially after its predecessors such as al-Menfaluti and Muhammed Teymur. In the following processes, the Arabian storytelling created by Yahya Hakkı, Yusuf Avvad, Abdusselam el-Uceyli, Semira Azzam, Yusuf es-Sıbai and İhsan ʿAbdu’l-Ḳuddûs on subjects specific to the eastern society in general and the Egyptian society in particular has made great progress. In this study, the short story al-Ḥair Beyne’l-Ḥelal Ve’l Ḥaram of İhsan ʿAbdu’l-Ḳuddûs, who is considered one of the most productive writers of the East, was analyzed. In order to form the main framework of the article, modern Arabic storytelling, the author’s biography and literary personality, as well as her works are mentioned in the introduction part. In addition, the content of the study includes the Turkish translation of the story and the analysis of the work in terms of form and content.
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