Medical Translation and Its Status in Turkey

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Mehmet Hakkı SUÇİN


This study aims to recognize medical interpreting, which is considered as a pioneer in translations in the developed countries in the field of health, as it attracts a large number of tourists and contributes to the growth and development of the country's economy. At the same time, it aims to determine the level Turkey has reached in this field. Research shows that Turkey has become one of the leading countries in this field, as a result of the intense demand from most of the world's countries, as hospitals develop their programs in order to keep up with the technology era. The reports published by the Turkish Ministry of Health state that Turkey is among the ten developed countries in the field of medicine in the world due to the fact that the doctors are experts in their fields and the availability of advanced medical equipment. Iraq is one of the countries whose citizens come to Turkey the most for treatment. It is followed by Azerbaijan, followed by Germany, Georgia, Libya and other countries. The Turkish provinces where these patients come the most are Ankara, Istanbul and Antalya. The high-quality translation service provided by the state in cooperation with hospitals and in all foreign languages in Turkish hospitals has made Turkey the route of health tourism. In this study, what is the nature of medical interpreting? What method was used in this type of interpreting? How has Turkey managed to develop this type of interpreting? The questions that come to mind were tried to be answered.

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How to Cite
SUÇİN, M. H., & zaineb. (2024). Medical Translation and Its Status in Turkey . Lisanî İlimler Dergisi, 2(1), 367–378. Retrieved from