Analysis of Arabic and Turkish Idioms Containing Animal Names in the Context of Semantics and Equivalence

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Sema Batur
Erdinç DOĞRU


Abstract: Throughout history, humans have been in intense interaction with animals, and this interaction has spread to various areas of human life, such as nutrition, clothing, art, and architecture. One of the most important elements where this interaction can be observed is undoubtedly language. Animals can create similar associations in the minds of societies, as well as different associations due to differences in culture, geography, belief, and mentality. Idioms are the language treasures that best reflect the cultures of societies. Animals also appear as important motifs used in idioms. In this study, idioms containing animal names in Arabic and Turkish were examined using the contrastive analysis method. The similarities and differences between them were revealed and analyzed, and their equivalence levels were determined.

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How to Cite
Batur, S., & DOĞRU, E. (2024). Analysis of Arabic and Turkish Idioms Containing Animal Names in the Context of Semantics and Equivalence. Lisanî İlimler Dergisi, 2(1), 53–72. Retrieved from