مفهوم الربط في الجملة العربية

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ghassan mustafa


The Arabic language has a system that is based on grammatical, contextual, and semantic relationships. This system, in turn, is represented by several linguistic structures, the most prominent of which is the sentence, which has taken up a wide space in ancient and modern studies regarding how it is structured. The issue of linking in it is considered the most important of all since it is the one controlling its construction and composition, and so that it is not entering into the issue of linking directly, it is necessary to define the sentence and the way it is composed, mention the issue of precedence and delay in it, and then enter into its sections in a manner free of complexity until beginning to define linking and its types. Such as moral in a simplified manner, followed by mentioning the most important types of verbal links and expanding on the story of attribution, which is the most important in the sentence because it has an impact on the true meaning intended by the speaker and conveying it to the recipient,

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How to Cite
YILDIZ, M., & mustafa, ghassan. (2023). مفهوم الربط في الجملة العربية. Lisanî İlimler Dergisi, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10447799


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