Noun Clause and Meaning Content in the Arabic Language

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Language is a system and tool that people use to express their feelings and thoughts. Feelings and thoughts can be expressed through words and their meaningful combination. These groups of words consisting of verbs and nouns are called sentences. The Arabic language, one of the richest and most ancient languages ​​in the world, has remarkable characteristics in terms of sentence structure and semantic content in sentences. Just like in other languages, it is appropriate to classify clauses in Arabic into two categories: noun clauses and verb clauses. This study discusses the place, usage, and semantic aspects of the noun clause in the Arabic language, which is an indispensable linguistic tool for expressing one’s feelings and thoughts verbally and in writing.

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How to Cite
YILDIZ, M., & AKYÜZ, H. (2024). Noun Clause and Meaning Content in the Arabic Language. Lisanî İlimler Dergisi, 2(1), 87–96. Retrieved from