İmam Hatip Liselerinde Öğrenimine Devam Eden Hafız Öğrencilerin Hafızlıklarının Arapça Öğrenimlerine Etkilerinin Değerlendirilmesi Evaluation of the Effects of Quran Memorization on Arabic Learning of Quran Hafez Students Continuing Their Education in Imam Hatip High Schools
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Hafiz literally means the one who preserves, protects and memorizes. Hafiz in literature; It is called the person who memorizes the Holy Quran completely. In this research, it was investigated whether being hafiz contributed to the learning of Arabic by the students who completed their memorization and received their memorization certificate, in the Arabic preparatory class and later in the Arabic learning phase. In this regard, the survey prepared on memorization and Arabic education was applied to students via the internet and the answer frequencies for each question were examined. The survey was applied to a total of 93 students. A five-point Likert type survey was used in the research. This research, which was conducted as a survey model, included the findings obtained as a result of the examination of the surveys. The research was conducted with students enrolled mostly at Muhammet Hamdi Yazır Anatolian Imam Hatip High School and some other schools during the summer vacation period of the 2023-2024 academic year. In the study, in addition to personal information, analyses were carried out by applying a five-point Likert type survey consisting of 43 questions to obtain their views and evaluations of memorization, Arabic and even the Arabic teacher. The data was collected via Google Form after obtaining the necessary information and permissions. In order to determine the contribution of students' memorization to their learning Arabic, the Cronbach-alpha internal consistency coefficient was first calculated to test the normal distribution and reliability of the survey results. Frequency analyses were made in the context of personal data and shown with graphs. For the main purpose of the study, item-total correlations and item discriminations were examined in order to see the effect of being hafiz on learning Arabic. Relevant analyses were carried out via SPSS. Considering the results of the findings, it has been determined that being hafiz makes significant contributions to the learning of Arabic.
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