LİDER Journal of Licensing Sciences started its publication life in 2023 as an international e-magazine with the ISSN number 2980-2954.
Human beings are speaking beings. They also communicate with people by speaking. This communication is realized through language. Language is a natural tool that provides understanding between people, a living being with its own rules and that develops only within these rules, a secret agreement system whose foundations were laid in unknown periods of history, a social institution woven from sounds. Although sounds, gestures and facial expressions that do not fall within the scope of language are important in ensuring communication, they never reduce the importance of language. While those who speak the same language can communicate with each other easily, it is almost impossible to achieve this communication between those who speak different languages. Therefore, people who speak different languages have to learn and teach each other's languages in order to understand each other. Knowing and using only the mother tongue is no longer considered sufficient in today's world. Multilingualism is the use of two or more languages by an individual or a community. It is thought that there are more multilingual people in the world than monolingual people. More than half of the people living in the world can speak at least one other language besides their mother tongue.
There are various disciplines related to the field of language in the world. These disciplines are; linguistics, literature, translation studies and language education.
LİDER Journal of Language Sciences is an internationally refereed journal that publishes academic research prepared in these disciplines.
Current Issue
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): December 2024 Issue